Swansea University sports stars are celebrated in a new book

Swansea University sports stars are celebrated in a new book

A variety of sporting heroes are featured along with Olympic medalists and players from around the world active in a variety of sports including rugby, football, track and field, swimming, hockey and cricket. The eBook also chronicles the rise of women's sports, the advent of the professional era, and the sporting event from just five varsity clubs to more than 50 today.

Set decade by decade in juxtaposition with the social and political events of the day, the guide tracks what's happening in college sports, but also emphasizes its benefits to the general public. It describes how a 'converted landfill' was converted into a high-performance sports park and how new facilities such as the National Swimming Pool of Wales and the Sports Pavilion on the Bay Campus were carefully constructed.

The creator lists a selection of prominent sports stars such as Welsh rugby captains Alun Wyn Jones and Siwan Lillicrap, both educated at Swansea University, and cheers their educational achievements with colorful anecdotes and commentary.

Professor Paul Boyle, Vice Chancellor of Swansea University, said: “Stan Addicott has been an invaluable member of our staff group for 4 years. This book is based on Stan's love for, and facts about, our institution, along with his own treasured memories of hyperlinked athletes and places from our college's early years.

“In these pages, he has painted a complete picture of what happened, the nature and scope of the sport in Swansea over the past century. It documents the inspiring sporting achievements of our students and alumni within our university, our local and regional groups, and internationally. This guide clarifies the importance of sport for sport's sake, tracking the enjoyment and joy of our participating workers and students, while outlining its many other benefits."

See details on where to buy A Century of Sport, including a 10% discount for Swansea University alumni.